Monday, July 6, 2009

Why this blog

I recently read "The Passionate Programmer", a carreer help book for the IT professionals. It is a good book, I would not dare to say awesome, but maybe that is because of my prejudice about self help books. In any case, it contains some helpful and sensible advices.

One of those advices is "Start your own blog", and the reason given is that you need to let your voice heard in order to improve your professional visibility. I have had the idea of maintaining a blog in mind for some time before reading the book, but for a very different reason: during my daily work I discuss or find some ideas that are worth keeping in mind, but are usually forgotten unless written down.

So this is the main reason for this blog: to write down any ideas or news or interesting stuff whatsoever, so I can review and reuse later in time. This is more of a personal purpose which I could just solve by writing my own private document, but making it publicly accessible also has its advantages, such as forcing me to have good standards and take care of it periodically.